30 April 2017

Little Monadnock Mountain

Maps, Elevations & Summary

Route to Summit:  Yellow rectangular blazes to white rectangular blazes.
Return Route:  Same
Distance:  3.4 miles
Maximum Elevation: 1,881 ft.
Cumulative elevation gain: 890 ft.
Total Time: 3.5 hrs.

Trail Report

The trailhead is located inside Rhododendron State Park in Fitzwilliam, NH.  This chilly morning, the gate was still locked at 7 a.m. but there were parking sites just outside of the gate.  After parking, it was just a 5 minute jaunt down the loop road parking lot to get to a kiosk and a number of pit toilets.

The trail starts off as part of the Rhododendron Loop trail and passes through archways of rhododendron .  This must be a beautiful place in July.

In about 10 minutes of level walking, a sign pointed the way to Little Monadnock Mountain and split off from the loop trail.  This trail was well blazed by yellow rectangles.  In about 0.8 miles of some gradual uphill climbing, I encountered the one and only scramble on the trip.  It's a small rock outcropping which did require some handholds but was not very high.  I looked as if there was a trail to the right that might walk around this obstacle.

After the short scramble the trail heads down into a shallow col at the base of which was a very well flowing stream called Kemp Brook.  It had enough water flow that I would think it could be a water sourvce in the summer as well.

After crossing the stream, the trail starts a moderate but relentless climb from the lower pine forest up through red oak and mixed hardwoods.  For some of this, the trail follows a stone wall.

Finally, the trail pops out on an open ledge, upon which there is the remnant of a sign identifying the junction with the Metcomet-Monadnock trail.

Following a 90 degree turn to the left, the trail heads up a modest slop for the final tenth of a mile climb to the summit, following white rectangular blazes now.  The summit itself is a bare granite ledge, but the surrounding trees pretty much cut off any views.  There is a summit marker sign, but like the earlier trail marker, is down.

Right next to the sign is a small geo survey marker indicating the summit.

I didn't wait for very long, but instead headed back down the trail to the trail junction which afforded nice views of Mount Monadnock.  This was a pretty place to sit and have a snack and water break.

Returning to the car, the entire trip took about 3.5 hours including breaks.

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